Позакласна робота

 Представлення школи

                         S C H O O L   P R E S E N T A T I O N
1. Dear guests!
 You are welcome to our school. We are glad to meet you here and to present you our school and our  school life.

2. One of the most important period of our life is the period of studying at school.

3. We come here to get knowledge about the world and get experience of   

4. But our school gives not only knowledge, the teachers help us to
become personalities. With their help we form our outlook and character.

5. So, it is very important  to understand the sayings of famous people:

6. Knowledge is a treasure that will follow it’s owner everywhere.  
                                                                                      ( Chinese proverb)

7.The educated differs from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead.                                                                                     ( Aristotle)

8 .Learning is the beginning of  wealth,
Learning is the beginning of health
Learning is the beginning of  spirituality.        ( Jim John)

9.To the uneducated an  A  is just three sticks.    ( Milne)

10.He who opens  a school door, close a prison.   ( Victor Hugo)

 11. Our school was built in 1986 . It is situated in the centre of our village. We consider  our school to be one of the  most beautiful buildings of Drimailivka.

12. It is two-storied building which is attractive in any season of the year.

13. In front of the school there is a big  school yard with many trees, flower-beds, sports ground.

14.Those beautiful trees and flowers were planted  by  pupils and teachers of our school.

15.There are 40 pupils in school nowadays.  10 teachers sow wise, kind, eternal in our souls.

16. For 35 years our school is headed  by the honored educator of Ukraine, teacher methodologist L.I.Bezpala.

17.Well , you’ll have an opportunity  to see our school on your own eyes  but first we would like to give you  some information.
18. On the ground floor there are classrooms for junior pupils, English , music studies, gymnasium, a clock –room  and workshops.
        19.The headmaster’s office, stuff room are on the first floor. Besides we have a
canteen there too.
20.The senior pupils study Maths, Ukrainian, Biology, History, World Literature in specialized rooms which are situated on the first floor too.
21.We are lucky to have a computer centre. 10 years ago a computer class was opened.  Since that time we have had special course there.
22. School has established friendly relations with partner schools:
Kosta Masnaga , school  in Italy;
Kobyzhcha school in  Bobrovytsa district.

 23. Last year we begin to issue a school   
                                                    newspaper “ HOPE”.

24.When you enter the school hall, you can’t but notice the penetrating look of a famous Ukrainian teacher Vasyl Oleksandrowych Suhomlynsky. He seems to say “You are not just a wonderer, who has come in to drink from the  healing source. You are the BEE who enriches the multinational culture of the country. Your duty is to make a contribution into it, to enrich spiritual experience of your nation”. 

25. On the left hand of the portrait you can clearly see a bright Bee. It is not accidentally. The hard –working bee  is a  symbol of our school. It reminds everybody that happiness of each person is centered in the honest, constant tireless work, besides it symbolizes that the man and nature are indivisible  .
26.So, dear guests! Our school is opened for you.
27. The motto of our school is :
 Run every day with all your might not to  lag behind the life
 and much quicker to be ahead.
28.We study different subjects at school. Learning  English is not an easy task for everyone. It is one of those languages which seems a candy  only in the beginning. But nevertheless English is my favourite subject .

                       Hobby is a favorite occupation when you are free,
But best of all is to learn English, as for me.
English is very important in our days,
It is the official language of the USA,
The language of William Shakespeare and Walter Scott,
Charles Dickens and other writers who did a lot!
I study English many hours a day
To speak in future with the people from the USA,
English makes my outlook wide,
And a letter to my friend in English I can write.
And one famous proverb you can understand
“ So many languages you know
So many times you area man”  .

29. At our English lessons we learn to read, to write, to speak . It’s great to understand another language, know about this or that country, its people, their customs, traditions, culture, history.

30. Knowledge of foreign language helps people all over the world to develop friendship and understanding among nations.

31. We are fond of playing games, making dialogues and singing songs.

32. We advise you to learn a nice song with your pupils. Listen to it, please!

                                    Song “ Jingle bells”

33. One of the wise teachers said “ The face of a school is created by  those who study there”.

34. Since its foundation Drimailivka school has given knowledge to hundreds of its pupils they have become good workers, doctors, teachers, dancers, scientists…

35. But we are sure, our generation is no less gifted. Among our pupils you can find the prize winners of Olympiads in different school subjects, winners of sport competitions and different festivals.

36. We should mentioned the names of  Victoria Bezpala,  Julia  Miroshnyk, Tanya Paniuta, Yuri Opanasenko, Liudmyla Rysmanenko, Alexander Pashko , Daryna Bezpala.

37. Best pupils receive scholarships.

38. We like to go to school but not only to study. We like to meet our friends and to take part in different out –of-class activities.

39. Competitions, concerts clubs and other fun-
School is a place of interests  for each and everyone.                             

39. The principles of teaching in our school are mainly aimed at bringing up intelligent and well – developed personalities.

 40. So we have special courses in
English    Math     Ukrainian    Computing

41. We are lucky to have different sections in our school      where we can fulfil and develop our talents and broaden our knowledge . Drama, music, dancing, football circles are created in our school.

42. A lot of pupils  are members of the dancing circle.  “ Polisianochka”, is famous not only in our district, it also took part in regional festivals and concerts.
Today we would like to present you a new dance ” Crazy frog”.

43.  Well, you are English teachers from different schools of our district. We wish you to have ideal schools and to be ideal teachers for your  pupils.

 44. We hope these rules will help you:

                   FOR TEACHERS:
If you think you are the most important person in class, you are wrong. You are here only because there are
pupils whom you must teach.

Remember! Each pupil is a unique personality so you should be very careful doing or saying something not
to hurt any of the children's souls

Children will like you only if you like them. Keep showing it to them  and don't get frustrated if something  goes wrong for you.

Everyone makes mistakes even you do so, forgive your students their mistakes and try to understand why
they have made them (partly it is your fault).
Parents of your little friends are your helpers. Use their help and ask them to help you. You need each other's
help. Do not reject it.
Do not make your lessons alike. Now and then change something if you don't want to bore everyone.

Smile at the others, they will smile back.

Get interested in their lives, interests, hobbies, prob­lems. You will learn to understand them better.
Control your emotions (especially bad ones). Some­times it is only you who is responsible for your troubles.
Give the best you can and it will be repaid. Be happy and make it your duty to make others happy.


Ми запрошуємо вас на конференцію, присвячену 200-річчю Т.Г.Шевченка. пропонуємо вам познайомитися з біографією Великого Кобзаря, якого шанують не лише в Україні та країнах близького зарубіжжя, а й в усьому світі, зокрема в англомовних країнах.
..Наша конференція буде проведена на двох мовах : англійській та українській, так як даний захід проходить в рамках тижня англійської мови.
Допомогти краще зрозуміти англійську мова вам допоможе мультимедійна презентація, коротенькі відеофільми, вірші Т.Г. Шевченка
       Presentation  of T. Shevchenko’s biography
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Pupil 1.Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko  was a Ukrainian poet, artist and humanist. His literary heritage is regarded to be the foundation of modern Ukrainian literature and the modern Ukrainian language. Shevchenko also wrote in Russian and left many masterpieces as a painter and an illustrator.
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Pupil 2  Born in a serf family of Hryhoriy Ivanovych Shevchenko  and Kateryna Yakymivna Shevchenko (Boiko)  in the village of Moryntsi,  Shevchenko was orphaned at the age of eleven. He was taught to read by a village precentor, and loved to draw at every opportunity. Shevchenko went with his Russian aristocrat lord Pavel Engelhardt to Vilnius  and then to Saint Petersburg.
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        Pupil 3 Engelhardt noticed Shevchenko's artistic talent, and apprenticed him in Vilnius  then in Saint Petersburg to Vasiliy Shiriaev for four years... There he met the Ukrainian artist Ivan Soshenko, who introduced him to other compatriots such as Yevhen Hrebinka and Vasyl Hryhorovych, and to the Russian painter Alexey Venetsianov. Through these men Shevchenko also met the famous painter and professor Karl Briullov, who painted the portrait of the Russian poet Vasily Zhukovsky and sold it for 2500 rubles and  used these money to buy Shevchenko's freedom on May 5, 1838.
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Pupil 4 In the same year Shevchenko began to study in St. Petersburg  at the Academy of Arts in the workshop of Karl Briullov.
Soon Shevchenko was given a Silver Medal for a landscape. In 1840 he again received the Silver Medal, this time for his first oil painting,

Pupil 5 He began writing poetry while he was a serf and in 1840 his first collection of poetry, Kobzar, was published.
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In 1841, the epic poem Haidamaky was released. In September 1841, Shevchenko was awarded his third Silver Medal . Shevchenko also wrote plays. In 1842, he released a part of the tragedy Mykyta Hayday and in 1843 he completed the drama Nazar Stodolya.

Pupil 6 While living in Saint Petersburg, Shevchenko made three trips to the regions of modern Ukraine, in 1843, 1845, and 1846. The difficult conditions under which his countrymen lived had impact on the poet-painter. For his poems Shevchenko was arrested.

Pupil 7  Shevchenko was imprioned in Saint Petersburg. Then he was sent to the Russian military Orenburg garrison at Orsk, near Orenburg. He spent ten years in prison. Then he was released and ordered to return to St. Petersburg.

Death of Shevchenko

Pupil 8 Taras Shevchenko spent the last years of his life working on new poetry, paintings, as well as editing his older works. But after his difficult years in exile his final illness proved too much. Shevchenko died in Saint Petersburg on March 10, 1861, the day after his 47-th birthday.

Pupil 9 He was first buried at the Smolensk Cemetery in Saint Petersburg.
But he wanted to be buried in Ukraine. Shevchenko's remains were buried on May 8 on Chernecha Hill by the Dnieper River near Kaniv.

Pupil 10 Taras Shevchenko has a unique place in Ukrainian cultural history and in world literature. His writings formed the foundation for the modern Ukrainian literature. His influence on Ukrainian culture was really great.

Monuments and memorials

Pupil 11  There are many monuments to Shevchenko throughout Ukraine, most notably at his memorial in Kaniv and in the center of Kiev, just across from the Kiev University. The Kiev Metro station, Tarasa Shevchenka, is also dedicated to Shevchenko. Among other notable monuments to the poet located throughout Ukraine are the ones in Kharkiv (in front of the Shevchenko Park. Kharkiv|Shevchenko Park), Lviv, Luhansk and many others.
                               Videо         Monuments to Shevchenko
World commemorates Taras Shevchenko’s  anniversary in 2014
1.Т.Г. Шевченко цікавився творами, що видавалися в росії та за кордоном. Прочитавши твори Шекспіра він намалював дві ілюстрації до трагедії відомого англійського драматурга  в 1843 році.
Крім того, Тарас Григорович особливо цінував творчість Данієля Дефо  та його роман «Робінзон Крузо», знав та проявляв інтерес до творчості великих англійських романістів Вальтера Скотта, Джонатана Свіфта та поетів Роберта Бернса та Джорджа Байрона.

2. А перші статті про українського поета Т.Шевченка зявилися в Англії в 1877 році у щотижневій літературній газеті, що видавалася Чарльзом Діккенсом.
3. У наш час у Великій Британії діє Асоціація українців , яка багато робить для популяризації творчості  Ukrainian Nightingale ( українського соловейка )  .
4. З нагоди  200-річчя українського поета Тараса Шевченка  15жовтня 2013 року Центральна алея Седжвік Сайту в Кембріджському університеті була названа алеєю Тараса Шевченка.
5. Крім Великобританії, Т.Шевченка глибоко шанують і в інших країнах, зокрема, в Канаді. У місті Торонто відкрито музей імені Т.Г.Шевенка, метою якого є популяризація життя та творчості українського барда, та й української культури вцілому. Розгорнуті виставки присвячені мистецтву, життєвому шляху та літературній творчості. Найближчим часом буде видана книга про Шевченка в Торонто.
 Taras Shevchenko Museum & Memorial Park Foundation is located in Toronto, Canada.A video tour of the museum was created in March 2010. Among other exhibits, the video tour includes footage of Shevchenko's death mask.
                  Video tour Shevchenko’s Museum in Toronto, Canada

 6. Шанують Великого Кобзаря і в Сполучених Штатах Америки. 11 жовтня 2013 року в Нью Йорку  в Українському інституті Америки відбулася презентація повного перекладу Кобзаря. З нагоди святкування 200-річчя цим же інститутом оголошено творчий конкурс на тему «Тарас Шевченко. Чому він популярний сьогодні?»

7. А наукове товариство ім.. Шевченка в Америці провело у листопаді 2013 року  презентацію своїх нових видань : «Гайдамаки» та «Тарас Шевченко в критиці», організувало музичну програму за творами Шевченка, та творами, присвяченими Шевченку.
Наукове товариство готує ювілейний проект, який включає публікацію творів Шевченка та нову Шевченківську премію.

1.     А тепер,  пропонуємо вам  поетичну сторінку за творами Тараса Григоровича Шевченка , яку підготували учні нашої школи.

2.     Shevchenko's "Testament", (Zapovit, 1845), has been translated into more than 60 languages and set to music in the 1870s by H. Hladky. The poem enjoys a status second only to Ukraine’s national anthem.
                      Testament (Zapovit)
                        When I am dead, bury me
In my beloved Ukraine,
My tomb upon a grave mound high
Amid the spreading plain,
So that the fields, the boundless steppes,
The Dnieper's plunging shore
My eyes could see, my ears could hear
The mighty river roar.

When from Ukraine the Dnieper bears
Into the deep blue sea
The blood of foes ... then will I leave
These hills and fertile fields --
I'll leave them all and fly away
To the abode of God,
And then I'll pray .... But till that day
I nothing know of God.

Oh bury me, then rise ye up
And break your heavy chains
And water with the tyrants' blood
The freedom you have gained.
And in the great new family,
The family of the free,
With softly spoken, kindly word
Remember also me.

Як умру, то поховайте
Мене на могилі,
Серед степу широкого,
На Вкраїні милій,
Щоб лани широкополі,
І Дніпро, і кручі
Було видно, було чути,
Як реве ревучий.

Як понесе з України
У синєє море
Кров ворожу... отойді я
І лани, і гори —
Все покину і полину
До самого бога
Молитися... а до того                         
Я не знаю бога.

Поховайте та вставайте,
Кайдани порвіте
І вражою злою кров'ю
Волю окропіте.
І мене в сiм'ї великій,
В сiм'ї вольній, новій,
Не забудьте пом'янути
Незлим тихим словом.


The mighty Dniper roars and bellows,
The wind in anger howls and raves,
Down to the ground it bends the willows
And mountain-high lifts up the waves.

The pale-faced moon picked out this moment
To peek out from behind a cloud,
Like a canoe upen the ocean
It first tips up and then dips down.
The cocks have not proclaimed the morning,
Theres not a sound as yet of man,
The owls in glades call out their warnings,
And ash-treas creak and creak again
The most famous representatives of different cultures admire our Ukrainian   Kobzar.  Could our Ukrainian Bard  foresee   that on the twenty -   seventh   of June   President of the USA D. Eisenhower would open a   monument to him in the   centre   of the capital-city? He also   made a speech about the poet. He proclaimed that Shevchenko is the forerunner of   freedom for Ukraine. The monument   to T.H. Shevchenko in Washington, D.C. was opened on June   27, 1964. Its  author, Leonid Molodozhanin   ,   who became the winner in the competition where seventeen original projects were presented.  A book  “ Shevchenko in Washington”,  written by a member of the Shevchenko monument Committee Anton Dragon, was published in 1984 in New York   and it is dedicated to the construction and  opening of the monument.
Shevchenko lived many years ago but he is still popular not only in Ukraine but all over the world too.

                  Thank you for your attention!

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